

地層下陷 land subsidence
嚴重地層下陷區severe land subsidence areas
地下水 groundwater
地下水位 subsurface water level
超抽地下水 over pumping of the groundwater
地下水補注 groundwater recharge
地下水管制區 Groundwater Control Zone
持續下陷面積(平方公里) Ongoing subsiding area (km2)
近年最大下陷速率(公分/年) Greatest subsiding rates in recent years (cm/yr)
歷年累積最大下陷量(公尺) Maximum accumulated subsidence depth over the years (m)
地層下陷檢(監)測系統 land Subsidence Examination (Monitoring) System
水準測量 leveling survey
地層下陷監測井網 soil strata subsidence monitoring well network
GPS固定站 GPS fixed stations
INSAR微波干涉分析技術 microwave interference analysis technique with INSAR
滯洪池 flood detention ponds
循環水 recycling water
人工湖 artificial lake
綜合治水 comprehensive water governance and management
地下水觀測網 groundwater observation network
國土復育策略方案暨行動計畫 National Land Restoration Strategic Program and Action Plan
易淹水地區水患治理計畫 Water-disaster Prevention and Control Plan for Flood- prone Area